Todd Tuten advises clients on a range of federal legislative and regulatory matters, working closely with Congressional leaders, senior agency officials, and key stakeholders to further client interests. His extensive Congressional and private-sector experience includes development and implementation of substantive policies and strategies on a broad range of issues, with a particular focus on health care. Mr. Tuten is actively engaged in the debate on proposals to strengthen the nation’s health care system and has successfully advanced clients’ objectives in the context of related legislation, including passage and implementation of major Medicare and Medicaid reforms. Before joining the firm, Mr. Tuten served as Director of Public Policy for the American Academy of Actuaries in Washington D.C., and as Chief of Staff to U.S. Representative Michael Bilirakis (R-FL), former Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee. In that capacity, Mr. Tuten developed and advanced legislative proposals to protect children’s health, promote quality health care, and expand prescription drug coverage for seniors, and he led successful efforts to implement the Subcommittee’s agenda on Medicare, Medicaid, health insurance, public health, and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) initiatives. Mr. Tuten was also instrumental in drafting and securing passage of freestanding Medicaid legislation to prevent the eviction of low-income nursing home patients, which was the first freestanding amendment to the Medicaid statute in over a decade. A veteran of the Clinton health care debate, he worked to advance health insurance reforms that were ultimately enacted as part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.