Prior to his work at Progress Real Estate Partners, Mr Thypin was Director of Market Analysis at Real Capital Analytics ("RCA"), the premier commercial property investment research firm in the world. At RCA, Mr Thypin was responsible for researching and analzying commercial property investment and financing transactions on a global basis, helping institutional clients best make use of RCA's data products and writing and editing macro reports on the commercial property capital markets. Most recently, Mr Thypin led the effort to build and launch RCA's commercial real estate loan database, the largest in existence. Mr Thypin got his start in the real estate industry through his family's real estate portfolio. After nearly a century of work building Thypin Steel Co. into one of the top stainless steel processing and distribution firms in the eastern United States, the Thypin-Oltchick family sold the firm to Ryerson Tull in 1997 and retained the nearly 1 million square feet of industrial real estate in 7 cities formerly occupied by Thypin Steel Co. Since the sale of Thypin Steel, Mr Thypin has played an active role in managing, redeveloping and expanding the family's portfolio, most recently as Vice President of Bayard Street Properties - Murray Hill LLC, a multifamily investment in the Murray Hill neighborhood of New York City. Prior to working at RCA, Mr. Thypin held positions at Plaza Construction Co, LCOR Inc, and Toll Brothers Inc. Mr Thypin earned a B.S. from Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration.