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Khoo Kay Peng owns 44% of U.K. fashion-and-furnishings retailer Laura Ashley Holdings. He's in the news for his divorce battle with wife of 45 years, Pauline Chai, a former Miss Malaysia. She wants the case to be heard in London, where she has been living, while he's pressing for it to take place in Kuala Lumpur. Nearly half his fortune comes from conglomerate Malayan United Industries, which has retail, hotel, food and financial-services interests in Asia, Australia, the U.S. and the U.K. Chairman and Chief Executive of Malayan United Industries Berhad. Appointed as Director on 18 January 1971 and has been Chairman since 1987. Was the Chairman of the then Tourist Development Corporation (now known as the Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board), Vice Chairman of Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) and a trustee of the National Welfare Foundation. Currently, also the Chairman and Chief Executive of MUI Properties Berhad. He is also the Chairman of Pan Malaysian Industries Berhad, Laura Ashley Holdings plc and Corus Hotels Limited (formerly known as Corus Hotels plc), United Kingdom. Also sits on the Boards of Metrojaya Berhad, MUI Continental Berhad, SCMP Group Limited (South China Morning Post) and The Bank of East Asia Limited, Hong Kong. He is presently a trustee of Regent University, Virginia, USA, a board member of Northwest University, a Council Member of the Malaysian-British Business Council, the Malaysia-China Business Council and the Asia Business Council. A deemed substantial shareholder of Malayan United Industries Berhad.
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