Mrs. Musser, whose maiden name was Umstad, was born in Pittsburgh. She lived in Villanova and earned a bachelor's degree in biology at Ursinus College. She was married for 43 years to Warren V. "Pete" Musser, a venture capitalist and major philanthropist in the Philadelphia area. He was founder and CEO of the Wayne-based Safeguard Scientifics Inc. The two divorced; he survives. Mrs. Musser's philanthropic activities reflected her varied interests. She used her science background to work as a nurse with the Red Cross, volunteering in Korea and later advocating with her former husband for creation of the Musser Blood Center at 700 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia. She cofounded the guide program and acted as benefactor for the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She supported the Rodin Museum and the Barnes Foundation. In the suburbs, she donated a room for art display at the Wayne Art Center and served on the board of the People's Light and Theater Company in Malvern. She was a generous supporter of her alma mater, serving on the board for many years and spearheading the new Musser Dormitory building project, and creation of the Kaleidoscope Theatre, the Berman Museum, and the Center for Bees. Surviving, beside her son Peter U. Musser, are a daughter, Joan Vaughan; five grandchildren; and a great-grandchild. Another son, Craig, died in 1986.