Paul W. MacAvoy was the Williams Brothers Professor Emeritus of Management studies at the Yale School of Management. He held chaired professorships at MIT and theUniversity of Rochester, been Dean of the Management Schools at Rochester and Yale. Professor MacAvoy served on President Ford's Council of Economic Advisors, and as the cochairman of the Presidents Task Force on Regulatory Reform. He holds honorary doctorates from Bates College and Scared Heart University and the Cross Medal from Yale University. Professor MacAvoy has written numerous journal articles and books, including The Unsustainable Cost of Partial Deregulation (Yale University Press) and The Failure of Antitrust and Regulation to establish Competition in Long-Distance Telephone Services (The MIT Press). His current writing projects include editing and commenting on a select set of letters and papers written while a member of the Council of Economic Advisors in 1975-1976. He has been a member of the Boards of Directors of the Alumax Corporation, the American Cyanamid Corporation, the Chase Manhattan Bank Corporation, the LaFarge Corporation, and the United States Synthetic Fuels Corporation. His research, teaching and consulting assignments are listed on his Curriculum Vitae. Last of all, Professor MacAvoy is reputed to have been the inventor of the term "voodoo economics" an occurance that took place on the GHW Bush porch at Kennebunkport Maine in 1977. After receiving his doctoral degree from Yale in 1960, MacAvoy taught at the University of Chicago and MIT. After his first appointment at Yale SOM, he served as the Frederick William Beinecke Professor of Economics in the Yale Department of Economics from 1981 through 1983. From 1983 to 1990, he was dean and John M. Olin Professor of Public Policy and Business Administration at the University of Rochester’s William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration.