Partner, Barnes Mosher Whitehurst Lauter
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Sam Lauter also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Roselyne Chroman Swig Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Raquel H Newman Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Bernard Osher Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Amy Rothschild Friedkin Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Steven L Swig Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Russell S Holdstein Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Robert Friend Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Stephen Grand Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
John D Goldman Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac
Agnes Gund Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Kent Conrad
Kathryn A Taylor Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Kent Conrad
Tom Steyer Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Kent Conrad
Alan F Horn Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Kent Conrad
Douglas E Goldman Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac
Bruce Corwin Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Kent Conrad
Dennis Albers Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac, Kent Conrad
Laura Lauder Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac
Agnes Varis Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Kent Conrad
Gary M Lauder Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Friends of Israel Political Action Committee - Fipac
Michael J Sacks Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, PAC to the Future, Kent Conrad