Joyce is the co-founder and Board Chairman of the Stupski Foundation, which started in 1996. The Stupski Foundation began as an operating foundation with the intention of improving the way K-12 education services in the US were delivered to the 15 million poor and minority students residing in the largest districts serving that population. The Foundation worked with over 30 districts nationwide—providing expertise and guidance primarily for superintendents, cabinet level employees and principals. As the years went by, the foundation also moved into the areas of teacher development and student agency and ownership. The operating foundation closed its doors in 2012. Currently, at Joyce’s direction and leadership, the Foundation is reemerging as a grant-making foundation with the particular areas of focus still under development. Prior to starting the Foundation, Joyce was founder and president of Pringle and Associates, a management communications firm specializing in the production of meetings for large corporations, with an emphasis on internal communications. Joyce was awarded the Business Achievement Award from the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce and the U.S. Small Business Administration. Joyce began her career in public education as a teacher in the San Francisco Unified School District. She devoted seven years to teaching students with learning disabilities in schools serving primarily low-income children. She followed her classroom experience with seven years at the district level, designing, developing and implementing newly created resource specialist programs, teacher training programs, compliance with new regulations and working with state, federal, state and public agency partners. Joyce has been an active volunteer and board member in the San Francisco nonprofit community. Joyce holds a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree from Indiana University.