Elliott D. Pollack is CEO of Elliott D. Pollack and Company, an economic and real estate consulting firm in Scottsdale, Arizona established in 1987. The firm serves a broad range of clients in both the public and private sector ranging from law firms, utilities, banks, retailers, major service firms and real estate related companies to states, counties, Native American communities, cities and universities for both business and policy issues. The firm maintains the most comprehensive economic database in Arizona. Mr. Pollack is widely sought after as a speaker for economic, policy, fiscal and economic impact, and real estate issues. He is also sought after by local, regional and national news media as an expert source of economic and real estate matters. Mr. Pollack has been an expert witness in litigations where detailed information was needed on the economy and/ or its real estate markets. He has testified extensively on interest rates. Through affiliate companies, Mr. Pollack has syndicated, master planned and brought to development numerous properties in Arizona. He is recognized for his expertise in both national and local real estate trends. Pollack is a consulting economist to Arizona State University and co-editor of the Arizona and Greater Phoenix Blue Chip economic forecasts published by ASU's Economic Outlook Center. Pollack has degrees from Boston University and the University of Southern California. He has been a practicing economist for 45 years. For 14 of those years Pollack was chief economist for the largest bank in the Rocky Mountain States. For the last 29 years he has been president of an economic real estate consulting firm that bears his name.