Dr. Hosffman Ospino is Assistant Professor of Theology and Religious Education at Boston College’s School of Theology and Ministry, where he also serves as faculty director of Graduate Programs in Hispanic Ministry. He holds a Masters’ degree in Theology with concentration in Church History and a PhD in Theology and Education from Boston College. He studied philosophy in his native Colombia, South America. His research focuses on the conversation between faith and culture and how such interchange shapes Catholic educational and ministerial practices, particularly in culturally diverse contexts. He is the editor of Hispanic Ministry in the 21st Century: Present and Future (Convivium Press, 2010) and the author of Peter’s Catechism: Who Do You Say that I Am? Why Did You Doubt? Do You Love Me? (Liguori, 2011). He has served as an officer of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theologians of the United States since 2007. He and his wife, Guadalupe, are actively involved at St. Patrick Parish in Lawrence, MA where they oversee Hispanic ministry. They actively advocate for better opportunities of education for Hispanic youth as well as ways to integrate immigrant Catholics.