Sophia Yen MD MPH is an adolescent medicine specialist and reproductive rights advocate. She graduated UCSF Medical School, did her pediatrics residency at Children's Hospital Oakland, adolescent medicine fellowship at UCSF, MPH at UC Berkeley in Maternal and Child Health. She is an Assistant Professor at Stanford Medical School in the Division of Adolescent Medicine, Department of Pediatrics. Her research interests are: Emergency Contraception knowledge, use and practice of patients and physicians, reproductive health needs of adolescents and college students, accuracy of reproductive health websites. She is the mother of 2 girls. Dr. Yen's goal in life is to prevent all teen pregnancy - "No teenager should want to get pregnant. She should have higher aspirations for her teen years. and No teenager should get pregnant. If they have sex, they should have access and education to birth control." She hopes to be the first surgeon general to say "masturbation" without being asked to resign. Dr. Yen founded the Silver Ribbon Campaign to Trust Women in 2010. She served on the boards of the Center for Reproductive Rights, the C4 of Planned Parenthood Golden Gate and the California Abortion Rights Action League. She is one of the co-founders of and the current board chairperson.