Clarke T. Reed was the former Republican Chairman for Washington County, Mississippi. Mr. Reed previously served as the finance chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party and was the Chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party for three terms. He was been a delegate and delegation chairman to the Republican National Conventions and was the chairman of the Southern Association of Republican State Chairmen. Mr. Reed was appointed by the President to the American Revolution Bicentennial Commission, and he current owns and is active in the management of a diversity of firms involved in construction and real estate developments, barge lines, inland waterways, and the import, export and sale of agriculture equipment in Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana and Texas. Reed died on Sunday December 8 2024 at his home in Greenville, Miss. He was 96. He married Julia Brooks, known as Judy, in 1957. She survives him, along with their son Clarke Jr.; two granddaughters; and two great-grandchildren. Another son, Reynolds, died in 2019, and their daughter, the writer Julia Reed, died in 2020.