Sergio Gonzalez was appointed senior vice president for university advancement and external affairs at University of Miami in December 2001, and is responsible for the implementation of all fundraising and alumni affairs for the University. Prior to his appointment, Sergio served as chief of staff to Executive Mayor Alex Penelas, where he directed the Mayor's operations, including his constituent, fiscal, media, administrative, policy and legislative matters. He previously served as the director of the Miami-Dade County Mayor's Office of Job Creation and Welfare-To-Work. He also served as the executive director of the South Florida 1999 Super Bowl Host Committee. Previously, Sergio was executive director of the Miami-Dade County Homeless Trust, and served as chief of staff and general counsel for then County Commissioner Alex Penelas. Prior to that time, he was a litigation associate with the law firms of Mershon, Sawyer, Johnston, Dunwoody and Cole, and Valdes-Fauli, Cobb, Petry and Bischoff. Sergio is a graduate of the Leadership Miami Class of 1992, has served on the Board and Executive Committee of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, is currently a member of the Board of Governors and Secretary of the Dade Community Foundation and is co-chairman of the Community Voices Multi-Agency Consortium. Sergio received his BS in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and his J.D. degree from Columbia University. He and his family live in Coral Gables, FL. Sergio is a member of the 1999 class of Henry Crown Fellows at the Aspen Institute.