Jack Zipes was formerly Professor of German at the University of Minnesota. An acclaimed translator and scholar of children's literature and culture, his most recent books include Hans Christian Andersen: The Misunderstood Storyteller and Speaking Out: Storytelling and Creative Drama for Children, both published by Routledge. Dartmouth College 1955-59 B.A. (1959) Political Science Columbia University 1959-61 M.A. (1960) English & Comp. Lit. University of Munich 1962 University of Tübingen 1963 Columbia University 1963-65 Ph.D. (1965) English & Comp. Lit. Institute for Teachers of English at Columbia University, 1964-65, Administrative Assistant Amerika-Institut, University of Munich, 1966-67, American Literature, Instructor New York University, 1967-72, German Department, Assistant Professor University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, German & Comparative Literature Departments, 1972-86, Associate and Full Professor University of Florida, Department of Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures, 1986-1989, Professor University of Minnesota, Department of German, Scandinavian and Dutch, 1989-present, Professor