Robert "Skip" Trimble is a Dallas native who graduated with an economics degree and a law degree from Southern Methodist University. He worked for the United States Department of Justice and the law firm of Winstead, McGuire, Sechrest and Trimble prior to entering the real estate investment business. He is currently a principal in the real estate investment firm of Catlyn Capital Corp. Skip Trimble, the outspoken attorney/activist, is closely affiliated with a host of organizations, councils and coalitions but is best known as spokesman for the Texas Humane Legislation Network (THLN). Their home office is in Austin and they have nine chapter offices around the state. Trimble is a very active member of the Animal Legal Defense Fund out of California. Mary Mitchell Trimble holds a position on the Board of Directors of Born Free and the API (Animal Protection Institute) which have now merged. Mrs. Trimble also sits on the Advisory Board of Operation Kindness, based in Carrolton, Texas. She is also member of the Metroplex Coalition Advisory Board; the Humane Society of Greater Dallas; the Humane Society of Dallas County and the S.P.C.A of Texas.