(son of Carl Dewey Perkins), a Representative from Kentucky; born in Washington, D.C., August 6, 1954; graduated from Fort Hunt High School, Alexandria, Va., 1972; B.A., Davidson College, Davidson, N.C., 1976; J.D., University of Louisville, Louisville, Ky., 1978; lawyer, private practice; member of the Kentucky state house of representatives, 1981-1984; elected simultaneously as a Democrat to the Ninety-eighth and to the Ninety-ninth Congress by special election, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of his father, United States Representative Carl Dewey Perkins, and reelected to the three succeeding Congresses (November 6, 1984-January 3, 1993); was not a candidate for renomination to the One Hundred Third Congress in 1992; is a resident of Hindman, Ky.