People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky
(wife of Edward Maurice Mezvinsky), a Representative from Pennsylvania; born in Philadelphia, Pa., June 21, 1942; graduated from Forest Park High School, Baltimore, Md., 1959; B.A., University of Pennsylvania, 1963; CBS News Foundation Fellow, Columbia University, New York, N.Y.; television journalist, WCAU-TV, 1967-1971; television journalist, NBC, 1971-1991; elected as a Democrat to the One Hundred Third Congress (January 3, 1993-January 3, 1995); unsuccessful candidate for reelection to the One Hundred Fourth Congress in 1994; chair, National Womens Business Council; director and deputy chair of the United States delegation to the United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, 1995.