Rev. Bill Banuchi is the executive director of the New York Faith & Freedom Coalition. He is the former Executive Director of the New York Christian Coalition and serves presently as the founding director, along with his wife Penny, of the Marriage & Family Savers Institute, headquartered in Newburgh NY. Bill served four years in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam conflict. He then worked as a design engineer and director of engineering for a manufacturing firm before responding to the call of ministry. Bill founded the Highland Falls Assembly of God, outside the gates of West Point, pastoring for eight years before establishing their present ministry. Bill and Penny authored the popular Couples Devotional, “A Threefold Cord.” Bill also authored the book, “How Shall I Vote? –Choosing Godly Leaders in an Ungodly World.” He was also quoted extensively in Sarah Palin’s book, “America By Heart.” Wherever Bill is teaching or preaching his theme is always, “ America, Bless God!”