Adam Landau is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Investment Officer of Permit Capital Advisors, LLC. Adam worked at McCabe Capital Managers, Ltd. from 1997 until February, 2011. He has 15 years of experience evaluating investment managers, developing asset allocation strategies, and coordinating the process by which the two disciplines are merged. Adam oversaw the integration of McCabe Capital's advisory efforts. This covered a rigorous process focused primarily on the various aspects of investment management due diligence. Included were frequent meetings with managers across the traditional and alternative investment spectrum. As Portfolio Manager, Adam worked to optimize the structure of McCabe's portfolios to maximize the expected level of risk adjusted return. Adam served as one of two Portfolio Managers on three fund of funds products, including a hedge fund of funds, offered to clients of a number of major insurance carriers. Prior to joining McCabe Capital, Adam spent four years at Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ) where he was a sales associate working with both retail and institutional clients. In that capacity at DLJ, he developed asset allocation plans for clients and subsequently worked with them to construct appropriate equity and fixed income portfolios. Adam received his M.B.A. (Finance) from Saint Joseph's University and a B.A. (Economics) from Rutgers University.