Mr. Hausmann is the former Chair of the Land Trust Alliance and currently serves as Chair of the Natural Lands Trust, the largest regional land trust in the Delaware Valley. He is a former Board Member of The Nature Conservancy in Pennsylvania and was Chair of its real estate committee for over a decade. Previously, Mr. Hausmann was on the Board of the Pennsylvania Environmental Council, the Green Space Alliance and 10,000 Friends of Pennsylvania. He was a founding Trustee of the Willistown Conservation Trust. He also is a principal in a not-for-profit organization that has successfully purchased and resold over $80 million of land to conservation buyers in the Willistown area. Mr. Hausmann was a member of the Chester County Planning Commission and its Chair for a number of years. He was instrumental in developing Chester County's Comprehensive Plan which was awarded the American Planning Association's Outstanding Planning Award. Mr. Hausmann was the Chair of Chester County Citizens to Save Open Space which was responsible for mounting public support for Chester County's $50 million Open Space Bond initiative, the first open space initiative in the region and the first county-wide open space initiative in Pennsylvania. President Bush Sr. awarded the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Award to Mr. Hausmann for his efforts in 1990. He has since served as an advisor to several other open space initiatives in recent years. Mr. Hausmann was active in commercial real estate for over 30 years. Mr. Hausmann was involved in the development of two LEEDS certified "green" office buildings in the greater Philadelphia area. Mr. Hausmann graduated from Hamilton College with a B.A. and has a M.B.A. from Rutgers University. He also served as a First Lieutenant in Vietnam.