Ian Inaba is an accomplished filmmaker, organizer, and new media expert. As Co-Executive Director of Citizen Engagement Lab, he has guided the incubation of various projects including Presente.org, the leading online advocacy organization focused on the concerns of Latino communities. Previously, he co-founded VideoTheVote.org, a nationwide network of citizen journalists that monitor election irregularities and has aided the growth of ColorOfChange.org, the largest online constituency representing the concerns of Black America and GetEQUAL.org, an organizing project calling for LGBTQ equality. Ian directed and edited the 2006 Sundance award-winning documentary American Blackout, chronicling voter suppression. He wrote, directed, and produced Eminem's music video "Mosh" which was viewed over 10 million times online and nominated for an MTV Video Music Award. He also co-authored the book True Lies which was published by Penguin/Plume. Ian was previously Director of Corporate Development for Checkpoint Software Technologies (NASD: CHKP) and an investment banker with Robertson, Stephens and Company. He is a graduate of the Wharton School of Business and the School of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Pennsylvania.