Jim Von Ehr is the CEO and Founder of Zyvex Labs, LLC. He is also Chairman of the Board of Zyvex Performance Materials, Inc. (d/b/a Zyvex Technologies). His commitment to nanotechnology is evidenced by his significant personal contribution to establish the University of Texas at Dallas NanoTech Institute. He has also endowed the James Von Ehr Distinguished Chair of Science and Technology at the University of Texas at Dallas, most recently held by the late Dr. Alan G. MacDiarmid (2000 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry). He co-founded the Texas Nanotechnology Initiative in December, 2000. Before founding Zyvex in 1997, Jim was the founder, president, chairman and CEO of Altsys Corporation, which developed FreeHand and Fontographer, the first commercially available PostScript drawing program. Altsys was sold to Macromedia in 1995, where he held a seat on the Macromedia Board of Directors for nearly four years. Jim has a M.S. in Mathematical Sciences (Computer Science) from the University of Texas at Dallas, and a B.S. in Computer Science from Michigan State University.