Don Vincent is a retired Booz Allen Hamilton vice president who serves as a Senior Executive Advisor to the firm. He has three decades of experience in survivability and security services. Mr. Vincent began his career at Booz Allen in 1985 providing nuclear survivability and lethality/target-hardening experience for the Strategic Defense Initiative. Over the years, he developed the firm’s capabilities in chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) effects counter-terrorism, and was a pioneer in the homeland security initiatives. As a leader in the growth of the DoD Information Analysis Centers, he provided a broad range of technology-related services including: Chemical, biological, and radiological target design, test, and evaluation Continuity of operations planning Critical infrastructure protection Cyber security Homeland security planning for prevention, preparedness, and response Human systems interface technology and evaluation Information assurance and network operations technology Live fire and operational testing and evaluation Survivability, lethality, and safety He later led the firm’s homeland security, infrastructure assurance, and enterprise resilience market development campaigns. Mr. Vincent currently provides senior advisory services for National Continuity Programs. Mr. Vincent holds a B.S. degree in physics from the University of Louisiana Lafayette and an M.S degree in nuclear physics from Purdue University, where he won a Fulbright-Hayes Fellowship. He also holds an M.S. in administrative sciences from the John Hopkins University.