Business Positions
Lockheed Martin Corporation
Defense, aeronautics, and systems engineering company
3M Company
Minnesota adhesives and assorted goods manufacturer
Board Memberships
manufacturer and distributor worldwide of ag equipment
3M Company
Minnesota adhesives and assorted goods manufacturer
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Jack Reed
Democratic US Senator and Former Representative from Rhode Island
Peter Visclosky
US Representative from Indiana
Mike R Turner
US Representative from Ohio (2003-present)
William McClellan Thornberry
Former US Representative from Texas (R TX-13)
Chuck Schumer
US Senator, former Representative from New York
Bill Nelson
Biden NASA head, former Democratic US Senator and Representative from Florida
Mitch McConnell
US Senator from Kentucky, husband of Transportation Secretary Elaine
Rodney P Frelinghuysen
Former US Representative from New Jersey (1995-2019)