After graduating from Wofford College, Cum Laude, he received his Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina School of Law. Preston served a two-year clerkship for the United States District Court, State of South Carolina. His dedication to achieve positive results for his clients has fueled his passion for law. To Preston, every success is important as it always makes a difference in someone's life. Preston focuses on significant Personal Injury, Criminal Law and Civil Litigation cases. His standards were established early in his legal career, as less than a year into practice he served as co-counsel in a murder trial that returned a verdict of not guilty. He continues to work toward a level of acclaim and achievement with recognition as a "Rising Star," a distinction reserved for lawyers viewed in the top 2% of lawyers under 40 in the State of South Carolina. He has successfully litigated numerous cases involving personal injury, construction defects, and worker’s compensation. Wofford College, Spartanburg, South Carolina – Cum Laude University of South Carolina School of Law Columbia, South Carolina