lRuemmler left Latham & Watkins in April 2020 to become global head of regulatory affairs at Goldman Sachs. After the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Fox News reported Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden possibly put Ruemmler on the short list of nominees to fill a future SCOTUS seat. Bachelor of arts in English, University of Washington, 1993; law degree, Georgetown University Law Center, 1996 Clerk to now-former U.S. Circuit Judge Timothy K. Lewis, 1996-1997; associate at Zuckerman Spaeder LLP, 1997-2000; associate counsel to President Bill Clinton, 2000-2001; assistant U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, 2001-2007; deputy director of the Enron Task Force, 2005-2007; partner, Latham & Watkins LLP, 2007-2009; principal associate deputy attorney general at the Justice Department, 2009-2010; principal deputy counsel to President Barack Obama, 2010-2011; White House counsel, 2011-present.