Kevin Varney is a Principal at 32 Advisors and heads the International Finance practice, which assists international companies, institutions and sovereign wealth funds access, navigate and structure international trade financing. Mr. Varney joined 32 Advisors from the Export-Import Bank of the United States where, as Senior Vice President & Chief of Staff, he was the principal economic, political and communications advisor to the Chairman and President of the Bank. Mr. Varney has over twenty years of international public and private sector financial experience, having previously served as a senior adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury and as a senior staff member of the White House National Economic Council during the Clinton Administration. During his time at Ex-Im Mr. Varney oversaw the strategic realignment of bank operations and expanded the bank’s outreach efforts. Ex-Im financing under Mr. Varney increased from $14 billion in FY 2008 to more than $35 billion in FY 2012. Mr. Varney also led the Ex-Im effort in the National Export Initiative, which aims to double U.S. exports by 2014. Additionally, Mr. Varney has served as a delegate the U.S.-China Strategic & Economic Dialogue since 2009. Prior to joining Ex-Im Mr. Varney was President of CMG LLC, an international public affairs and communications firm, which provided strategic and political counsel to a number of the world’s leading companies and non-governmental organizations. Kevin Varney earned his MBA with a concentration in finance from Johns Hopkins University. Varney attended the London School of Economics and is a graduate of the University of Utah.