Mr. King consults in the arenas of leadership, organizational development, and philanthropy, and has assisted numerous corporate, government, and non-profit leaders with projects ranging from strategic planning, to operational reorganization, including capacity assessments, inclusiveness efforts, and organizational cultural projects. In the private sector Mr. King recently assisted Corporate Express in a long range planning process, the articulation of their vision and the creation of a new mission statement. Additionally, for Net2Phone, an emerging telecommunications company, he served on the board of directors and as the chair of the compensation committee and a member of the audit committee for six years. Currently, he serves on the Board of Directors for REI, Inc., a national outdoor gear and apparel retailer. His work in the non-profit sector includes work for the Annie E. Casey Foundation, the Children’s Defense Fund, the Black Community Crusade for Children, the Colorado Outward Bound School, and as adjunct staff for Center for Creative Leadership. In the public sector, he currently works as an adjunct trainer with the federal governmentís Office of Personnel Management. Most recently Mr. King served as the Vice President and Chief Operations Officer for the Daniels Fund. Prior to that he was at the Rockefeller Foundation where he focused on the development and engagement of promising social entrepreneurs and emerging philanthropists. Mr. King is active in the Colorado community, recently serving on the Denver Public School Commission for High School Reform. Presently he serves on the board of the Denver Foundation, the Funders for Lesbian and Gay Issues, and as the chair of the Chinook Fund. Mr. King is a founding partner and managing director of Fulcrum Advisors, a privately held consulting firm supporting philanthropic advancement and leadership development.