Joel Rogers is the Sewell-Bascom Professor of Law, Political Science, Public Affairs, and Sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and director of COWS and all of its subsidiary projects and initiatives (Mayors Innovation Project, Center for State Innovation, Efficiency Cities Network, State Smart Transportation Initiative, etc.). Rogers has written widely on American politics and public policy. His books include On Democracy, Right Turn, Metro Futures, The Forgotten Majority, What Workers Want, American Society, and, most recently, Cities at Work. He has also advised many governments, candidates, and movement leaders, and helped found and operate several progressive NGOs (Center for a New Democracy, New Party, Economic Analysis Research Network, Apollo Alliance, Emerald Cities Collaborative, ALICE, etc.). Along with many academic honors, he is a recipient of one of the MacArthur Foundation's annual prizes. Newsweek identified him as one of the 100 living Americans most likely to shape U.S. politics and culture in the 21st century. Ph.D., Princeton University J.D., Yale Law School B.A., Yale College