Harvard University, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Ph.D. in Economics (Special Field: Labor), September 1966. Harvard College, B.A., Magna Cum Laude, in Economics, June 1962. David W. Skinner Professor of Political Economy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July, 1997 to present. Faculty Co-Chair, Industrial Performance Center, MIT, January, 2011-present. Director, MIT-Mexico Program, MIT Center for International Studies, 2003-present. Associate Director, Center for Technology, Policy and Industrial Development, MIT, 1995-1998. David W. Skinner Professor of Economics and Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, January, 1991 to July 1997. Professor, Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 1975 to present. Mitsui Professor of Contemporary Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1981 to 1986. Associate Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, July 1970 - June 1975 (on leave, Spring 1975.) Assistant Professor, Labor Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1966-1970 (on leave, Spring 1970 - 1971.) Consultant on Labor, Manpower, and Income Maintenance for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, 1970-1972. Research Coordinator and Acting Executive Director, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, Governor's Advisory Council of the Department of Governmental Programs, June 1970-July 1971. Research Fellow, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University 1968-1969 and 1969- 1970. Consultant to the United States Department of Labor, 1968 - 1970. Consultant to the Boston Model Cities Administration, Study of Welfare Revision, 1960. Research Staff, National Bureau of Economic Research, Study of Income Maintenance, Summer 1967. Consultant, NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc. 1966-1968. Teaching Fellow, Economics, Harvard University, 1964-1966. Coordinator, COFO, Federal Programs Project, Canton, Mississippi, Summer 1964. Research Assistant, President's Council of Economics, Washington, D.C., Summers of 1960 and 1961. Consultant to various international organizations; U.S. Government agencies, state agencies for Massachusetts, New York, and Pennsylvania; and to a limited number of private business organizations.