Harry R. Halloran Jr., 82, of Villanova, a socially conscious businessman, inspired theologist, and eclectic philanthropist, died at his home Saturday, Dec. 18, of complications due to a stroke. Mr. Halloran used his West Conshohocken-based Halloran Philanthropies to fund research and action in the improvement of what he called “the human condition across various areas of health, education, and livelihood.” He and Tony Carr, a fellow businessman and philanthropist, founded Halloran Philanthropies in 2007 He was also the founder and CEO of Energy Unlimited Inc.; Frontier Wind LLC; and ARB, a green technology investment firm. At Energy Unlimited, he specialized in the development of wind energy and the management of wind energy projects. In 2012, Mr. Halloran contributed $250,000 to the Energy Institute at the Bradford, Pa., campus of the University of Pittsburgh. Born Aug. 24, 1939, in Philadelphia, Mr. Halloran graduated from St. Joseph’s Preparatory School, and then the University of Pennsylvania with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He earned a master’s degree in theology from an Augustinian seminary, taught theology, and worked as a teacher, social worker, and volunteer for VISTA. In the early 1970s, Mr. Halloran left his teaching and social work pursuits to help manage his family’s businesses, many of which were founded by his father, Harry R. Halloran, a major figure in the Philadelphia construction industry throughout the 1900s. He was on the boards of the American Wind Energy Association, the Philadelphia Orchestra, the Franklin Institute, the Eisenhower Fellowships, the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, and other groups. He was also a trustee at Villanova University, the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, the Enlightened World Foundation, and other places. Mr. Halloran married Patricia O’Halloran, and they had sons Kevin, Mark, Neil, and Brian. After a divorce, he married Kay Kelly in 1999, and they blended their family of eight children “through love,” she said. In addition to his wife, children, and former wife, Mr. Halloran is survived by two brothers, 10 grandchildren, and other relatives. A brother died earlier.