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Overview of SWN's Political Activities The success of Southwestern Energy Company and its subsidiaries depends upon public policies at the national, state and local levels affecting the exploration, production and transportation of natural gas and oil. The Board of Directors of Southwestern Energy Company recognizes the vital importance of the Company’s participation in the political process in order to protect and enhance the Company’s interests and create value for its stockholders. In order to ensure that the Company’s political contributions and expenditures comply with all applicable laws and reflect its corporate values, in 2009, the Company’s Board of Directors adopted a policy relating to all corporate political contributions made by the Company directly or through the Board of Directors-approved Southwestern Energy Company PAC (the “SWN PAC”), which accepts voluntary contributions from certain eligible SWN employees and annual contributions of $5,000 from certain of the Company’s subsidiaries. The articles of association of the SWN PAC, which designates the persons employed by the Company who are eligible to act as its directors and hold certain offices, was approved by the Company’s Board of Directors. The SWN PAC administers two separate funds, one which is registered with the U.S. Federal Election Commission and exclusively accepts contributions from certain of the Company’s employees and makes expenditures in support of candidates or political committees of candidates for federal office (the “SWN FED PAC”) and the other which is registered in the state of Arkansas and exclusively accepts contributions from the Company’s subsidiaries and makes expenditures in support of candidates or political committees of candidates for state or local office in that state (the “SWN State PAC”). SWN PAC’s Board of Directors approves all decisions to make political contributions or expenditures through its funds. You may read our political contributions policy by accessing this link ==> View policy (pdf) Where permitted, the Company and/or the SWN PAC make lawful political contributions to political candidate committees and political parties, associations and other political organizations. Any such contributions are reported to the governing agencies to the extent required by law. As mentioned above under “Annual Reports to Shareholders,” we disclose our political contributions as part of our annual reporting. A detailed schedule of the SWN FED PAC contributions can be accessed on the U.S. Federal Election Commission website at Political contributions are to be made in accordance with the Company’s political contributions policy only as permitted under federal, state and local laws to help elect candidates who demonstrate integrity and character, support the domestic production of oil and natural gas and understand the contribution of the oil and natural gas industry to our national economy and national security. Other factors considered in determining whether to support a candidate include: Whether the candidate sits on a committee that addresses legislation affecting our businesses; Whether the candidate represents a district or state in which Southwestern Energy presently conducts or intends to conduct significant operations; The committee standing and ranking of the candidate; The candidate’s elected leadership position; and The candidate’s voting record.
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