Commodity Futures Trading Commission
Jill Sommers, De'Ana Dow, James E Newsome
Global Markets Advisory Committee
Phupinder S Gill, Leo Melamed, Jill Sommers
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Timothy S Bitsberger, Alex J Pollock
New York Mercantile Exchange
De'Ana Dow, James E Newsome
Kathleen M Cronin
Brookdale Senior Living Inc.
Jackie Clegg Dodd
Barack Obama
Rahm Emanuel
Bob Dole
Jill Sommers
United States Department of Agriculture
Dan Glickman
US Department of State
Rahm Emanuel
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Timothy S Bitsberger
Federal Trade Commission
Alex J Pollock
Northwestern University
Dennis H Chookaszian
University of Notre Dame
John F Sandner
Capitol Counsel LLC
De'Ana Dow
APCO Worldwide
Dan Glickman
Dickstein Shapiro LLP
Dennis Hastert
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions
Rahm Emanuel
White House Office
Rahm Emanuel
Our Common Values PAC
Rahm Emanuel