Leadership & Staff
Justin Barrett
President Blueprint 1543
Philip Carl Salzman
B.A. (Antioch), M.A., Ph.D. (Chicago) is Professor of Anthropology, McGill University, Canada
Robert Blair
Scottish professor of theology
Robert Boyd
University of St Andrews
Fiona Hill
Former Deputy Assistant to Trump and Senior Director for European and Russian Affairs, National Security Council
Andrew Stewart MacKenzie
Scottish businessman, who is the chairman of Shell plc and formerly CEO of BHP Billiton
Elizabeth Prelogar
Biden Solicitor General, Department of Justice
Christopher Cullom Davis
Vice Chairman, Davis Selected Advisers, L.P.
Stuart M Butler
The Heritage Foundation
Jonathan Muir
British qualified Chartered Accountant
John Livingston
Calvinist minister
Seth Taube
Co - CEO, Medley Management Inc.
Rodney Ferguson
Non-profit management, journalism, public affairs, and marketing
Kittsie Anne Klaes
2016 Houston debutante