U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
U.S. Department of Labor
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
White House Office
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
Jim Gilmore
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
Family Research Council
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
John Birch Society
Arthur R. Thompson
Office of the White House Counsel
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
Concerned Women for America
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
Political Network for Values
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback
Sovereign Global Solutions
Jacqueline Halbig von Schleppenback