Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC)
John B Hess
Kevin McCarthy
John B Hess, Denise Bode
McCarthy Victory Fund 2014
John B Hess
Honor Pennsylvania, Inc.
John B Hess
Ryan-NRCC Victory Cmte
John B Hess
Democratic National Committee
John B Hess, Thomas F McLarty III, Melanie A Kenderdine
John Hoeven
John B Hess, Denise Bode
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee
John B Hess, Denise Bode
Hoeven Victory Committee
John B Hess
Take Back The House 2020
John B Hess
1820 Pac
John B Hess
American Crossroads
John B Hess
Denise Bode
Denise Bode
National Republican Senatorial Committee
John B Hess, Denise Bode
Barack Obama
John M Deutch, John B Hess, John Bennett Johnston Jr, Thomas F McLarty III, Gregory C Staple, Theodore Roosevelt IV, Joseph Dominguez, Ernest Moniz, Sunil Deshmukh, Melanie A Kenderdine
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
John B Hess, John Bennett Johnston Jr, Thomas F McLarty III, Theodore Roosevelt IV, Ernest Moniz, Melanie A Kenderdine
League of Conservation Voters Action Fund
Theodore Roosevelt IV
Republican National Committee
John B Hess, Denise Bode, Joseph Dominguez, Octávio M. C. Simões
John McCain
John B Hess, Denise Bode, Theodore Roosevelt IV, Joseph Dominguez
Hoeven Victory Committee
John B Hess