Leadership & Staff
Henry Loomis
Former head of the Voice of America and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
James Killian
Former MIT President 1948-1959
Board Members
Cheryl F Halpern
Voice of America Broadcasting Board of Governors (1995-2002). Member of the Board of Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Kenneth Y Tomlinson
Jounalist, held posts at Voice of America and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Sharon Percy Rockefeller
president & CEO of WETA public stations
Carnegie Corporation of New York
Major philanthropic organization
National Public Radio
Non-profit membership media organization that serves public radio stations
Oral History project
Miscellaneous Relationships
Alan Pifer
Former President Carnegie Corporation
John W Gardner
Common Cause founder, former Carnegie Corp. president, LBJ HEW secretary
Public Broadcasting Act of 1967
Signed of President Johnson