Leadership & Staff
Graham Mackay
South African Beer Baron
Altria Group, Inc.
formerly Philip Morris; the largest U.S. tobacco company
Julio Mario Santo Domingo
Columbian beer billionaire; held 15% of SABMiller
Board Members
Alejandro Santo Domingo
Billionaire Columbian beer heir
Peter John Manser
Chartered accountant in England
Child Organizations
SABMiller Africa & Asia (Pty) Limited
Based in Johannesburg, South Africa
Miller Brewing Company
American beer brewing company
Cervecería Nacional SA
Produces and distributes beer and soft drinks in Panama
Bavaria S.A.
Beer, bottled water, juice drinks, malt beverages, and soft drinks
Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV
The largest global beer brewer
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is an independent, international organization incorporated as a Swiss not-for-profit foundation.
Services & Transactions
Subject Matter
Lobbying firm