Leadership & Staff
Dr. Michael V. Drake
President of the University of California
Laurie Zephyrin
Physician, The Commonwealth Fund
John E Craig
Executive vice-president and COO of Commonwealth Fund
Karen Davis
President of Commonwealth Fund
Liz Fowler
CMMI head, former Wellpoint VP, Max Baucus staffer, ACA co-author
Board Members
Benjamin K Chu
President of New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Christine Russell
Journalist on healthcare issues
Robert C Pozen
Former Chairman, MFS Investment Management; senior lecturer, MIT
Jane E Henney
Professor, College of Medicine, University of Cincinnati
James J Mongan
President & CEO of Partners Healthcare
Lewin Group
policy research and consulting firm
Health Management Associates
Largest for-profit hospital chain in the US; Merged with Community Health Systems in 2014
Jonathan Gruber
MIT economist
Solutions Journalism Network
Philanthropy Funded Journalism Influencer
Urban Institute
Public policy think tank; economic and social policy research
Health Care Delivery Policy Program
Healthcare executive discussion group at the Harvard Kennedy School
Miscellaneous Relationships
Jeff Stanger
Partner & Vice President of Information Services, Alley
American Youth Policy Forum
Professional Development Youth Issues