Leadership & Staff
Stephen DeMaura
President, Americans for Job Security
Carl Forti
Lobbyist, political operative, Co-founder Black Rock Group, Political director, American Crossroads
Marc Racicot
Former Governor of Montana
Michael Dubke
Trump White House communications director; lobbyist, co-founder of Black Rock Group, Crossroads Media
Charles R Schwab
Eponymous founder of brokerage firm
Doris Fisher
Co founder, Gap
American Encore
501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to David and Charles Koch, led by Sean Noble
Rosebush Corporation
American Insurance Association
trade association for property/casualty insurers
Gregory Boyd Penner
Chairman at Walmart; grandson-in-law of Sam Walton
American Encore
501(c)(4) nonprofit with ties to David and Charles Koch, led by Sean Noble
Charles R Schwab
Eponymous founder of brokerage firm
Services & Transactions
Crossroads Media
political ad firm
ad buyer