One of our greatest challenges is the assumption held by more than 50 million American voters that someone else will fix this for them, or worse, that their representatives will. Unless YOU take an active role in VOID supporting our efforts, little to nothing will change in how our government operates, and our growing national problems will only worsen. And yes, things can get very much worse than they are already are. If you don't participate, donate, and volunteer to change things for the better, how can you logically expect others to? One of the basic problems in our federal government is that special interests, political party leaders, big dollar campaign donors, and lobbyist organizations influence and even control America's agenda. And too often their agenda is not in the best interest of the majority of tax payers, voters, or our nation's future. Vote Out Incumbents for Democracy offers a way to make politicians responsible to the majority of voters and for our nation's future. Many senior politicians view big campaign donors, special interests, and lobbyist's endorsements as essential to reelection. And, regardless of how bad things get in America, current politicians know they have at least a 90% chance of being reelected. Since, in previous elections more than 90% of all incumbents have been reelected. If they have the money, they believe they can hire the public relations firms to insure the right messages get out to persuade likely voters to reelect them, and everyone else to stay at home. They hire pollsters to create polls geared to convince voters their candidate has the election sewn up, and those who oppose them, might be convinced to just stay home on election day. Regrettably, to many of us have done just that. And they hire the marketing firms to find out what the voters are concerned about, so that the politician can speak as if they represent those concerns. But, think about that for a second. If politicians were really concerned with what the voters are concerned about, wouldn't they have eliminated those concerns during their last term in office? Too many federal politicians view their reelection as a shoe in, due to gerrymandering of voting districts and the steady flow of cash from wealthy campaign donors, lobbyists and special interests, who fund these polls and campaigns. Politicians know from statistical analysis that citizens who have lost faith in the system or their government, are least likely to show up on election day. Vote Out Incumbents for Democracy believes those are the people who especially need to show and vote. And today, there 10's of millions of eligible voters who have lost faith in our government and political system. If they register their dissatisfaction on election day, with by voting anti-incumbent, they can change the political landscape and way our government runs. VOID provides an opportunity for frustrated and disappointed Americans to organize and express themselves at election time with a united and powerful voice. A voice so loud, that it cannot, and will not, be ignored by the political parties and politicians in Congress. Reaching the American voters with this message however, is very expensive. And we have to reach millions of them. So, it is up to us who know the truth of what is said here, to contribute as much of their dollars, time, and effort as possible toward spreading the mission, the objective, and the goal of Vote Out Incumbents Democracy as widely throughout the United States as possible. Do your share, and I will do mine. I will do mine in the hopes you will do yours. It is up to us. No one else is going to do this for us.