Leadership & Staff
Roger A Cregg
CEO, AV Homes Inc.
Eric Zarnikow
Executive Director, ISAC
Phillip Rooney
Former Executive at ServiceMaster
Brian Griffiths
International adviser for Goldman Sachs; special adviser to Margaret Thatcher
Board Members
Laurie Ann Goldman
CEO of New Avon; Former CEO, Spanx Inc.
United States Air Force
One of the military departments within the Department of Defense
Podesta Group Inc
Lobby firm, dubbed “a king of K Street” by POLITICO
Mattoon & Associates LLC
Jenkins Hill Partners
Consulting services
Venable LLP
Law/lobbying firm
US Senate
upper house of the United States Congress
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
Environmental Protection Agency
US government agency for environmental protection created in 1970 by Pres. Nixon