Since incorporating in 1995, The Wildlands Conservancy has continued to promote its model of land based conservation through expanding our preserve system. That system now includes the west coast’s largest nonprofit preserve at Wind Wolves. It includes California’s largest nonprofit wilderness at Pioneertown Mountains Preserve and California’s longest stretch of nonprofit-owned coast line at Sounding Seas Beach and Eel River Estuary Preserves. What is most remarkable is that these preserves are being purchased and restored through private donations and opened for public use without charge with national park quality facilities. TWC has now preserved more land in California than any nonprofit organization that is not subsidized with government monies. Over the past fifteen years, there has been a growing demand for nonprofit organizations to become land stewards and for more individuals to become citizen conservationists, docents, and restoration volunteers. The restoration challenges for California’s landscape alone exceed the financial and human resources of government to adequately address. The Wildlands Conservancy’s overarching goal is to call people back to the beauty, wonder and inspiration of the natural world and to encourage people to be participants in saving our magnificent landscapes and restoring California’s rich biological diversity. Ultimately, saving land means educating and instilling a love for nature in the next generation. The boundaries we place around our state and national parks, wilderness areas and nonprofit preserves are not automatically sacred and inviolate to our culture. In the absence of the hearts and minds of people who believe in such land designations, future land use decisions would be based on utilization, profit and expediency. This is why The Wildlands Conservancy is California’s nonprofit leader in providing free outdoor education programs to over 90,000 school children each year. Through our programs, and by reverent stewardship of our preserves, we foster respect for all life forms and advocacy for preserving the beauty and biodiversity of the earth.