Over 100 years later, AJC continues its efforts to promote pluralistic and democratic societies where all minorities are protected. AJC is an international think tank and advocacy organization that attempts to identify trends and problems early - and take action. Our key areas of focus are: Combating anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry; Promoting pluralism and shared democratic values; Supporting Israel's quest for peace and security; Advocating for energy independence; Strengthening Jewish life. In addition to its New York headquarters and Office of Government & International Affairs in Washington, AJC has 29 chapters and 3 independent affiliates in the U.S. and 8 overseas offices. In addition, AJC has 28 global partnerships. AJC’s approach, tackling a breadth of interests in a deliberate and diplomatic manner, contributes to a success that gains trust, earns access, and, most importantly, produces results.