In 2001, Dan Case was diagnosed with brain cancer. Discouraged by a lack of information and limited treatment options, Dan, together with his brother, Steve Case, and their families, founded Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure (ABC2). Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure is a non-profit organization that partners with leading entrepreneurs, scientists and researchers to find a cure for brain cancer. With his finance background, Dan recognized that few biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies were willing to invest research and development dollars toward brain cancer research due to its relative scarcity. By “buying down the risk” in the drug discovery process, Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure is able to speed up the drug discovery process. ABC2 applies entrepreneurial approaches to medical research and bridges the gap which often exists between academic researchers who often make significant scientific discoveries and companies which bring those treatments to patients. Since 2001, Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure has provided more than $13 million in research funding to highly qualified research investigators and physician-scientists from 22 institutions. Daniel H. Case, III, was one of the world’s leading investment bankers and a driving force in the world of venture capital. Dan served as Chairman of the Board of JPMorgan H&Q (formerly Hambrecht & Quist), a legendary investment banking firm that specialized in the financing of entrepreneurial companies whose clients included Apple Computer, Genentech, Adobe Software, and Netscape. A native of Hawaii, Dan held a B.A. in Economics and Public Policy from Princeton and studied management at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He is survived by his wife Stacey, his four children, Alexander, Winston, John Daniel, and Charlotte, his parents Dan and Carol, his sister Carin, and his brothers Steve and Jeff. Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure operates in honor and celebration of Dan Case, a husband, father, brother and son, colleague, counselor, leader and friend.