'Terror wave' reignites Israeli debate over armed civilians. Security concerns are prompting renewed interest in gun permits for Israelis. "Eric Benjamin, a member of The Israeli Association for Promoting Weapon Culture in Israel (RA) - a firearms advocacy and education organization - told i24NEWS that the renewed interest in civilian gun ownership shows increased vigilance towards countering hidden threats. “This is a very strange conflict. It’s not like Russia and Ukraine where there’s an army and you know how it looks… You don’t know where it's going to come from,” he said." "For Orin Julie, a member of The Israeli Association for Promoting Weapon Culture in Israel (RA) and a social media influencer, firearms are symbols of female empowerment and a way for women to protect themselves." "Julie, known in the media as Israel’s “Queen of Guns,” served previously in the country’s military as a combat soldier before her rise to online fame as a firearms model." https://www.i24news.tv/en/news/israel/society/1649943708-terror-wave-reignites-israeli-debate-over-armed-civilians