Sylvester Turner
Mayor, Houston Texas
Melissa Hamilton
Psychologist and expert witness; Austin, Texas
David L. Garlock
NARSOL board member
Alex Marbury aka Tom Reeves
Founder of NAMBLA; Founder of NARCOL; Founder of RSOL
Tamara Jackson
NARSOL board member
Philip Kaso
NARSOL Activist
Michael McKay
NARSOL employee
Jeremy Malcolm
Australian Lawyer and pedophile advocate; EFF
Janice Bellucci
sex offender defense attorney
Board Members
Guy Hamilton-Smith
Activist seeking to legalize simulated CSAM, convicted of possession of CSAM in Kentucky
Larry Neely
Sex offender law reform advocate; convicted in Arkansas for indecency with a child
Mary Sue Molnar
Founder of Texas Voices; Registered Lobbyist for Texas; Mother of convicted child rapist
Child Organizations
Vivante Espero
NARSOL’s 501(c)(3) foundation, which manages opportunities to educate and inform the general public about laws and policies that dehumanize individuals previously convicted of a sexually-based offense
Bill Habern
"The Parole Godfather" "Legendary Texas defense lawyer"
Josh Gravens
Executive Director, Organize Justice
Florida Action Committee
Sex offender law reform group
Galen Baughman
Sex offender advocate
Texas Voices
Texas Voices For Reason & Justice;Lobbying group seeking to end the sex offender registry
David Feige
lawyer; director of documentary "Untouchables" that seeks to portray sex offenders as victims of the criminal justice system
Prostasia Foundation
EIN 82-4969920 Lobbying group that promotes the idea that pedophiles are "Minor Attracted Persons" or (MAPs)
Miscellaneous Relationships
Charlie Baird
lawyer and former judge
Stop it Now!
Netherlands, a helpline for men with pedophilic feelings and their families.