Leadership & Staff
Adam S. Muhlendorf
Alabama Political consultant; Owner of Longleaf Strategies
Edward Still
Alabama attorney affiliated with Doug Jones
Senate Majority PAC
Democratic SuperPAC that supports Senate candidates
Priorities USA Action
Pro-Obama/Hillary Clinton Super PAC
Leonard Bell
Retired pharmaceutical executive
David Magerman
Former hedge fund executive; Renaissance Technology
Phillip Singerman
Dr. Phillip Singerman Associate Director for Innovation and Industry Services, Dept of Commerce
Doug Jones
politician, attorney, CNN contributor, former U.S. Senator from Alabama
Services & Transactions
Bully Pulpit
digital marketing and advertising agency created by the digital marketers of Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign for president.
Waterfront Strategies
Political Media Buying agency and subsidiary of GMMB
Campaign Legal Center
Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit focuses on campaign finance issues in the courts and before the FEC
Adam S. Muhlendorf
Alabama Political consultant; Owner of Longleaf Strategies
Putnam Partners
DC based political consultants
Miscellaneous Relationships
Roy Moore
Former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court, Republican candidate for US Senate in 2017 special election