The Australian Nuclear Association Inc (ANA) is an independent incorporated scientific institution made up of people from the professions, business, government and universities with an interest in nuclear topics. The ANA promotes the knowledge and practice of the peaceful, safe and effective use of nuclear science and technology and provides a forum for the presentation, exchange and dissemination of information in the field of nuclear science and technology. The Australian Nuclear Association supports the use of nuclear science and technology in Australia, including: nuclear techniques in research, industry and medicine; research reactors as a source of neutrons for research and production of radioisotopes; and nuclear power plants to produce electricity. The ANA publishes a quarterly newsletter “Nuclear Australia” to report on events in the nuclear field, both in Australia and overseas. This newsletter is sent to members and subscribers worldwide. An annual ANA award recognises outstanding contributions to nuclear science and technology in Australia. Technical lectures by a leading expert in the field are usually held bi-monthly at the AINSE Lecture Theatre at Lucas Heights, NSW. In alternate months, lectures are arranged by the Nuclear Engineering Panel of Engineers Australia at the Engineers Australia Lecture Theatre, Chatswood, NSW. Details of ANA and Panel meetings are listed on the Technical Program. The ANA hosts international and national conferences. International conferences hosted by ANA include the 9th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference 1994, the Second International Conference on Isotopes 1997 and the 15th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference 2006, all in Sydney. The ANA has hosted eleven national conferences on Nuclear Science and Engineering in Australia in alternate years starting in 1995 with the twelfth conference ANA2017 held on 6 October 2017. The ANA is a Member of the Pacific Nuclear Council and the ANA’s previous Secretary, Dr Clarence J. Hardy, was a Past President of the Pacific Nuclear Council – an organisation representing over 60,000 professionals in the nuclear field in 10 countries around the Pacific Basin. The ANA is also a member of Science & Technology Australia, the International Nuclear Societies Council and an Affiliate of the World Nuclear Association and has bilateral cooperation agreements with a number of overseas Nuclear Societies. The Australian Nuclear Association is incorporated in NSW. The ANA Constitution was adopted on 25th October 1983 and amended in August 1997 and September 2012. ANA Members are invited to attend Committee meetings as observers. Members planning to attend a Committee meeting should contact the Secretary by email at to confirm meeting times and location.