Leadership & Staff
Zena Diggs
Senior Vice President, Bank of America
Cindy S Moelis
former Director, Presidential Commission on White House Fellows; friend of Michelle Obama
Board Members
Sidney Dillard
Chicago area I-banker
Byron Brazier
Pastor of the 20,000 member Apostolic Church of God on Chicago's South Side
Smita Shah
Engineer - President and CEO of Chicago-based SPAAN Tech, Inc,
Pritzker Traubert Family Foundation
Founded in 2000 by billionaire Penny Pritzker and Bryan Traubert
John R Ettelson
president and chief executive officer of William Blair & Company
Enterprise Community Partners
Huge "affordable housing" developer
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP
Law Firm
DLA Piper
Law firm created in 2005 by the merger of DLA, Piper Rudnick and Gray Cary, followed by aggressive growth in the CIS, Germany, Spain, Asia, the Middle East and important US markets, among others.
Deloitte LLP
One of the "Big Four" US accounting firms
Comcast Corporation
The largest broadcasting and cable company in the world, parent of NBCUniversal