S-RM is a global intelligence and cyber security consultancy. Founded in 2005, we have 250+ experts and advisors across seven international offices. Headquartered in London, we have offices in Cape Town, Hong Kong, New York, Rio, and Washington DC. https://www.s-rminform.com/about/ We help our clients to identify and manage regulatory and operational risks, ranging from money laundering, fraud, reputational damage and corruption, to security, political change and cybercrime. S-RM works in partnership with XL Catlin, a leading provider of Crisis Management insurance and a part of the XL Group, a global insurance and reinsurance company which has recently become part of AXA. I provide S-RM and AXAXL clients with advice and preincident training in respect to prevention, preparation and response to crisis. https://au.linkedin.com/in/craigcolemanaustralia